Become A Sponsor

What Your Brand Stands to Achieve?
- It will allow you to meet and collaborate with other non-competing companies.
- Additionally, you can connect with your target audience face-to-face at the event and make connections before and after in your marketing strategy.
- An opportunity to generate new sales leads before and during the event and to follow up with them after the possibility to connect further.
- In-event speaking opportunities that help boost their brand equity
- Your brand is profitable and successful against your competitors | consumer perception
- People are inclined to support brands that are invested in benefitting their communities.
- Increased brand exposure through the event itself, event advertising, and media coverage
- Your brand imaging is highly visible to the often thousands of people who attend the event, many of which may not know about your brand.
- Direct contact with an audience full of relatively warm leads
- Access to data about attendees and in-event interactions, which can be highly informative for product development and market research
- Appear in all media campaigns as a sponsor
- Appear on the website as sponsor for 6 months
- Display of company logo/advert on the screen during the Dinner and Concert
- Display of 4 flyers at key locations of the venue
- Recognize your sponsorship during the, Dinner and Concert
- VIP table at, Dinner and Concert for 10 guests